Jozef Kapustka

Jozef Kapustka

Jozef Kapustka is a Polish concert pianist, born in 1969 in Tarnów, Poland. Lives in Paris, France.


Biography and schooling

Jozef Kapustka was born in 1969 in Tarnów, Poland where he began receiving his early musical tuition from the local instructor Danuta Cieslik at the age of 3. He then briefly studied at the State Higher Academy of Music in Kraków with Ewa Bukojemska. Having graduated from The Juilliard School in New York ( Bachelor's of Music degree 1992; piano with Josef Raieff, then Jerome Lowenthal and chamber music with Joseph Fuchs), he moved on to be granted a Postgraduate Advanced Studies Diploma specializing in piano performance from the Royal Academy of Music in London (1997), with Martin Roscoe. He also worked with Dimitri Bashkirov (masterclasses held under auspices of the Queen Sofía College of Music in Spain) and Vera Gornostaeva in Paris and Moscow. Alumnus of the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara,1991,CA he holds a " diplome superieur de la langue et civilization francaise" from Paris Sorbonne University(1994).In 1994 he received a Grand Prix of the Conservatoire International de Musique de Paris. Nominated for the French theater award Molière 2010 ( Best musical play :"Diva à Sarcelles" written and directed by Virginie Lemoine).


Jozef Kapustka has performed in nearly every European country including Russia (2008 Europe's Day recital at Le Havre, France; recitals for the 2010 Chopin Year celebrations in France, 2011 Liszt Bicentenary concerts in Great Britain); U.S.A - Lincoln Center appearances 1989-1992, Juilliard IBM concert series, Kosciuszko Foundation-Hunter College Music series broadcasted live on WQXR New York classical radio, Carnegie Recital Hall 1997, United Nations on invitation from Russian Permanent Mission 2004; also chamber player, coach and adviser to various theatrical productions (Avinion Festival 2004,France). In 2010 he initiated a "Bach in Rio" project playing and recording selected Bach keyboard concerti with the Orquestra de Cordas da Grota (cond. Ubiratã Rodrigues) in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.


Written press accounts:

Internet sources

External links

Jozef Kapustka official webpage :